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Health, fitness, and veganism


We're all about health, fitness, badassery, and veganism. Wanna work with our awesome vegan personal trainers? Learn more about how you can get the results of your dreams here.


About our awesome team

Karina Inkster


Owner and Head Fitness Nut


Founder of the K.I. Health & Fitness, Karina is your go-to vegan health and fitness coach, providing a friendly kick in the butt that inspires and motivates you to live your best, healthiest, most plant-strong life. 


Author of 5 books, podcast host, award-winning and certified online coach, 22-year vegan, and lover of chin-ups (and dark chocolate), Karina works tirelessly to ensure her clients skyrocket their energy, confidence, and plant-based health superpowers.


Karina (or Coach K, as her clients call her) holds a Master's degree in Gerontology, specializing in health and aging.


Learn more about Karina (and what she's up to when she's not kicking clients' butts) here.

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Zoe Peled


Coach + Community Engagement Pro


Zoe is on the K.I. team as coach, mastermind behind our client and community events, and creator of content shared with our social media audiences. Zoe is a fitness coach and Marketing and Community Engagement Professional based in Vancouver, B.C. In addition to her PT Certification, Coach Zoe has done additional studies in kettlebell training, vegan nutrition, and accessibility within the fitness industry.
Her athletic background spans a wide range of endeavours. Zoe has participated in three professional boxing matches, half-marathons, Muay Thai, multi-day endurance hiking,  distance swimming, and currently holds a Yellow Belt in Krav Maga. 


She received her BFA in Photography from Emily Carr University, with additional studies in Critical Theory, examining the positioning and terminology around animals. Her personal studies continue to examine animal/human relationships, which has led her to both speaking engagements and internationally published work (Antennae Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, UK.)
Coach Zoe is the co-founder of Ban Fur Farms BC, and facilitates events and community relations for numerous local vegan businesses. In 2018, she founded the Vancouver Vegan Resource Centre (VVRC). Zoe has been vegan for 14 years, and an animal rights activist for (almost) the same duration of time.

Izzy Katz


Communications Head Honcho


Izzy Katz keeps the No-Bullshit Vegan podcast running smoothly, and shares with our online audience awesome vegan content every week.


Izzy is a Main Street Vegan Academy Certified Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator. She works with clients worldwide at all stages of their vegan journey. Growing up vegetarian, Izzy became vegan in 2012 following her move from Manchester, England to Vancouver, Canada.


Izzy has a Law Degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, and works for Fraser Health as an Executive Assistant, and the United Players of Vancouver Theatre Company as Reservations Manager.


In her free time she strength trains, plays the piano, loves to travel, and is an assistant foster coordinator for Vancouver-based cat rescue organization VOKRA. She is also a past assistant organizer of Vancouver Meatless Meetup and past Director of Volunteers for Earthsave Canada.


Izzy lives in beautiful White Rock, BC with her vegan husband Carl and sassy rescue kitty Buttercup.

Kaylin Foisy


Coach and Executive Ninja


Kaylin graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in English and is also a graduate of the Langara Film Arts Program, where she studied writing and production for film and television.


By day, she is a Written Communications Rater for CELPIP. By all other waking moments, she is head baker and owner/founder of The Knotty Pretzel Baked Delights, the little home baking business she runs with her partner-in-crime, Jim. They can be found slinging pretzels, fritters, sourdough, cakes, and many other 100% vegan treats at the farmer’s market and local events, and have been known to cater a gig or two as well.


Kaylin has been vegan for 19 years and loves to find different ways to move her body each day, which is what led her to become a personal trainer. She appreciates getting outside for a walk in the forest, alongside a lake or the ocean, and camping is her ultimate happy place. She lives in Powell River with her husband Jim and 2 of their 7 children.​​

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Your workouts have really carried me through some hard things in the past two years; going to the gym after work was like my safe space and "me time". I started my fitness journey like most people with a body composition goal in mind, but now it's become more about my mental health and feeling super strong. I just wanted you to know how important I think your work is. 


Also, I've worked with some other coaches in the past and you have really set the standard and made me realize what a coach should actually do. Thank you for listening and making me feel "seen".


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