Craig Morantz is here to talk about his vegan story and about being Snack Boss at
Vegan Labs, a company that delivers nutritionally dense snacks made from thoughtful ingredient combinations, with no bullshit fillers in any of their products.
Craig is a lifelong entrepreneur, having founded, operated, and sold multiple businesses. His passion in every one of his companies has been the creative side: product development, client experience, and marketing. He has dove 7 of the top 10 dive sites in the world, survived divorce, and graduated Birthing of Giants at MIT (a 3-year entrepreneurial program that only 60 are accepted to per year).
Listen below!
Important topics and points you don't want to miss:
>> Craig's vegan story
>> Craig’s current business venture: being Snack Boss at Vegan Labs (plant-based, nutritionally dense snacks)
>> The 3 types of responses he gets to his veganism
>> Craig's tips on communicating with non-vegans in a productive way
>> Craig's thoughts on why so many vegans are perceived as assholes, and the four tiers of action-takers within any social justice movement: radicals, activists, those who are concerned, and passive lifestyle supporters.
Connect with Craig:
>> Vegan Labs
>> Vegan Labs Guides (going and staying vegan, countering anti-vegan arguments, vegan snacks, building a vegan pantry, and more)
>> Craig's article, Why are so many vegans assholes?
Download Karina's 350-item vegan grocery list!
Need inspiration for healthy plant-based eating? Need to spice up your daily meal routine? Download your free vegan grocery list! With more than 350 healthy items (some of which might be new to you), you'll be a vegan nutrition superhero in no time.
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