How do social inequalities and environmental problems converge? How can we find opportunities for solidarity with food and farm workers as part of ethical veganism? What role have industry and governments played in expanding ag-gag legislation? Why should vegans strength train? I discuss these topics and more with my guest, Dr. Anelyse Weiler.
Anelyse is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Victoria. Her research explores workers' rights and environmental health, agricultural industry lobbying, and how everyday people are fighting for a more livable world. Alongside her research, she is involved in advocacy groups like the BC Employment Standards Coalition and Worker Solidarity Network.
Outside of work, Anelyse loves running, cycling, and lifting. She has been vegan since 2007, and her family includes a flock of cheeky rescue chickens and two adopted cats.
Important topics we discussed:
>> Anelyse’s work exploring how social inequalities and environmental problems converge.
>> Opportunities for solidarity with food and farm workers as part of ethical veganism
>> Agricultural workers' disproportionate exposure to environmental harms (e.g., climate-related extreme heat, pesticides, breathing fecal waste in animal agriculture)
>> The role of industry and governments in expanding ag-gag legislation in Canada
>> Why vegans should strength train if they can!
Connect with Anelyse:
>> Anelyse's website
>> Anelyse on Twitter
Episode transcript:
>> Access a full transcript of the episode here.
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