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How does online coaching work?Online coaching means having your own personal trainers, without having to schedule time to see them face-to-face at a gym location. You’ll get customized workout programs created specifically for you and your goals. You’ll also get plant-based nutrition coaching where you’ll make changes one small – but powerful – habit at a time. Add to this the ability to track your workouts, nutrition, and body stat progress, as well as personal support and accountability from us, and you’ll be set up to kick some serious ass. We use a robust app for all our coaching -- ongoing communication, delivering your workouts, tracking meals and habits, etc. -- and the door is always open to connect with us on Zoom for more in-depth problem-solving or goal-setting.
Why is online coaching more awesome than in-person coaching?Here are four main advantages of online coaching compared to in-person coaching: • Scheduling is a non-issue. You work out whenever you want (but still get the benefit of a structured program and ongoing support from a coach), instead of being stuck trying to fit into someone else’s schedule. • Location is not a factor. You can work with kick-ass coaches who suit your needs from anywhere in the world! We have clients on many different continents. We also have clients who live in “inconvenient” locations (e.g. small islands that are boat access only) and it’s not realistic for them to take several hours out of their days to trek to the mainland for workout sessions. They can get their workouts done without leaving their homes! With online coaching, you’re not tied to a specific gym location. Heck, you don’t even have to go to a gym at all if you don’t want to! • You get better accountability and support. Rather than booking single sessions at a gym each week, we can provide ongoing (and more effective!) support as you work toward your goals. • It’s more cost effective. You’re not paying a coach a high hourly rate (plus club overhead), so you can get better training at a fraction of the price. Sweet deal, right?
What’s the difference between the 3 programs you offer?Our 3 programs are essentially different levels of coaching support. Clients typically start with the Gold Standard coaching option, which provides individualized workout programs and one-on-one coaching, and ensures correct exercise form as well as on-point plant-based nutrition. If you want to go all-out for the most trainer support to help you skyrocket your health and fitness, the Full-On Badass program is for you. The Fitness Kick in the Butt program is a legacy program for clients who have completed at least 3 months of either of the other programs. It offers new workout programs each month, and ongoing accountability and support.
How much does coaching cost?Our programs range from $97 to $750 USD per month, depending on the level of coaching you need. We even create customized options for folks looking for something specific. Submit an application and we'll see what's right for you!
Why don't you have client "before" and "after" photos on your website?We at K.I. Health & Fitness made the deliberate decision not to use progress photos in our marketing for three main reasons: 1. The comparison trap. Progress photos normalize a certain pace of seeing results. Reality check: there’s no such thing as a “normal” pace of seeing results. Progress photos also give us zero context about the individual who’s achieved those results. 2. An inaccurate representation of progress as linear. “Before and after” photos simplify and misrepresent progress as a simple upward trajectory toward someone’s end goal. They also fuel the “all-or-nothing” mindset that’s very prevalent among fitness-minded folks, and holds them back from getting the results they want. 3. “Aesthetics first” is a very limiting scope of progress. Progress photos make health seem secondary, and often conflate body size with health. We don’t want to come across as coaches whose main selling point is, “We can help you look better!” Everyone wants to look good and feel good about themselves — that’s just human nature. But if that’s all we’re focusing on, we’re setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Read Coach K's full article on progress photos here.
Who is this coaching for?Our coaching is for vegans (and wannabe vegans) who want to increase their strength, energy, confidence, and plant-based healthy living superpowers. It’s for people who recognize the value of having a solid plan to follow, and the importance of accountability. Our coaching is for you if you can make health and fitness one of your top three priorities in life, and you want to build kick-ass health and fitness habits that last the rest of your life.
Who is this coaching *not* for?Our coaching is not for you if you’re not interested in being plant-based. It’s not for you if you’re looking for a “quick fix” health and fitness solution. It’s not for you if you’re not ready to put in the work it’ll take to reach your goals. And we don’t train clients who want to compete in physique, bikini, or bodybuilding competitions. (You can read more about why in this article by Coach K.)
Do I get a meal plan?We don't give clients prescribed meal plans for the simple reason that they don't work. They’re really strict and are rarely followed for very long. We work with our clients to create lifelong healthy habits that stick, rather than unsustainable short-term “quick fixes”. A diet plan is not empowering; it takes you away from your own decision-making process. With support from us, you’ll make your own decisions about which foods are best for you, as well as when and how much of them to eat. We’ll work together to create healthy eating habits, and an effective “food architecture” (the environment that influences your food decisions). That said, some clients find they need a bit more structure when they first start. We'll put together an individualized menu roadmap for you, in line with your particular calorie and macro goals. Choose meals from the roadmap, or swap in your own.
I’m a newbie to this fitness thing. Will this work for me?Yup! We work with lots of clients who were completely new to exercise and plant-based eating when they started. (All of us were beginners at one point, right?)
I’m not a newbie to working out. Will this get me results?Definitely! We work with clients of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels (some with 30 or 40 years of experience). Examples: the client who’s been vegan for 40 years but still made effective changes to her diet so it better supported her fitness goals, or the client with 45 years of experience in strength training who’s still learning new exercises and improving his strength in his 70’s. People with a lot of experience often enjoy having a coach take care of their exercise and nutrition programming so they have more mental energy available to dedicate to other areas of their lives.
Do I need to join a gym?Not if you don’t want to! With a select few pieces of equipment at home, you can reach your fitness goals without even leaving your house. We have clients who work out anywhere from their living rooms, to their own garage gyms and backyards, to community center gyms, to commercial gyms.
Do I need to purchase any equipment?If you’re going to be working out primarily at home, you may need to purchase a few pieces of equipment (we’ll help you to choose). A $25 set of resistance bands is an excellent place to start. If you’ll be working out at an established gym or community centre, you won’t need any additional equipment.
What results have clients achieved?Living a healthy lifestyle is a long-term commitment that will continue to reward you with results. Clients have achieved a wide range of health and fitness goals by working with us, including feeling energized and less tired; feeling more confident – both in and out of the gym; increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility; and expanding their health and fitness know-how. Here are some recent client results: “I am learning not to deprive myself, to find joy and pleasure in food again, and to find joy and pleasure in movement!” “In addition to finally nailing a chin-up, I now go the gym on a regular basis, have a love of lifting weights, and honestly, changed my perception of what I’m capable of.” “I feel strong and ALL of my aches and pains are gone. No more achy knees and back. Truly amazing. I will never quit consistent strength training now that I see what it can do!” “How I feel about my body has changed significantly. I feel more confident, have more energy, and can feel myself getting stronger.” Check out our kudos page for inspiring client results.
How will I track progress?There are many ways we track progress in our coaching programs, and we’ll choose something that suits you best. Options include body measurements and photos, as well as tracking your workouts and strength progress. Progress shows itself in some awesome other ways, too, like your clothes fitting differently, your sleep quality increasing, or your day-to-day activities feeling easier!
How often am I gonna need to work out?This is entirely up to you. We’ll create an individualized training program that fits your life and your goals. We have clients who work out for 30 minutes 3 days a week, clients who train for competitive events and put in 12 hours or more of training each week, and clients at every point in between. We're here to help you create an effective plan, and hold you accountable to it.
How often can I contact you if I have questions?Support is unlimited in all our coaching programs! Contact us as much (or as little) as you'd like.
Am I going to need to give up my favourite foods?Definitely not. Any long-term nutrition plan that creates lifelong results should involve eating your favourite foods (in moderation, of course!) Example: Both Coach K and Coach Zoe enjoy some of their absolute favourite food – dark chocolate – 7 days a week.
Why do I need a coach? Can’t I just read books and free online articles?Coach K is so convinced of the benefits of having a coach that she has 3 of her own! (All for different things.) You may notice that many – if not most – of the highly successful people you know have coaches or mentors. The most lasting, meaningful, mind-blowing changes in our lives usually occur from having a real relationship with another human being. We humans just aren’t wired to transform our lives by reading books or articles, or even taking classes. If you enjoy thinking about nutrition and fitness, by all means – read away! And if you can get awesome results with these resources, all the power to you!
How is online coaching different from personal training?Online coaching is a bit different from personal training. Working with a trainer at a gym is a great option for some people, but it doesn't work for everyone. Online coaching is for the type of client who wants an effective and individualized program to follow, with the support and accountability of a coach, but doesn’t need to do it face to face (or can’t, for reasons such as location or schedule). Online coaching is much more about ongoing accountability, goal-setting, nutrition and daily habits coaching, and helping you to improve your life outside the gym than in-person training.
How long have you been coaching clients?Coach K started working with in-person clients in 2011, and online clients in 2013. Her coaching business has been exclusively online since 2017. Coach Zoe has been working with clients since 2020, when she joined the K.I. team.
Is there some sort of contract or long-term obligation I’ll need to sign?We have a 3-month minimum commitment for coaching with us. Other than that, you choose how long you’d like to keep us as your coaches. No contracts to sign!
What’s my next step for working together?Please fill out our application form. You'll then automatically be taken to a scheduling page where you can book your 30-minute consult.
Frequently asked questions
Check out our vegan fitness and nutrition coaching programs!
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